About Us

Welcome to Noah's Ark Nursery!

Noah’s Ark Nursery is a Community Nursery based near Matchborough Centre in Redditch for children aged 2 and a half to 5 years old. 

Our aim at Noah’s Ark Nursery, is to provide a stimulating and attractive learning environment where children develop to their full potential – physically, socially, emotional and intellectual ability.

Our Nursery has a wide variety of resources. We offer a bright and spacious environment with a true highlight being our forest garden where the children love to learn and explore.

Our team at Noah’s Ark Nursery are experienced, caring and friendly and we pride ourselves on making all children feel safe and secure during their time with us.

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Putting on a puppet show for everyone to enjoy.
Opportunity to negotiate a variety of the obstacles in Kindergym.


Each week we have theme-based learning, whether this be Pets Week, Creepy Crawlies, Space, Holidays or Families and through these we offer a wide range of experiences.

Our children also benefit from additional learning activities. This is through music with a weekly session from Harmonize and through Kindergym where children have an opportunity to be active and develop their physical skills.

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