Ofsted Report

Most Recent Ofsted Report

  • The nursery special educational needs co-ordinator is knowledgeable in her role. The support for children with additional needs is very strong. They benefit from the help and support they need to catch up with their peers.
  • Staff ensure equality and diversity is promoted within the nursery. They find out about children’s cultures, languages and religions and teach children about these. Children learn to respect, tolerate and accept others.
  • Staff are positive and encouraging. Children’s efforts are valued and their achievements celebrated. They have good levels of self-worth.


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Time for tea! Learning to use your imagination and take turns and collaboratively working together.
Exploring the properties of water with awe and wonder.

Most Recent Ofsted Report

  • Staff routinely observe and assess children’s abilities. They use children’s interests to plan a broad range of activities and experiences that help to promote children’s good progress. For example, children enjoy being creative and using their imaginations. Staff support them to use a variety of media, such as collage materials and play dough to make paper puppets or models of familiar story characters. Staff talk to children about what they are doing and encourage them to experiment with their ideas. Managers have a good overview of the progress children make. This helps to ensure all children make good progress and no child is left behind.
  • Staff provide children with a nutritious menu of snacks. Children take part in planting, growing and cookery activities. Staff talk to children about the importance of eating well. Staff ensure children benefit from fresh air and actively encourage physical activity. Children greatly enjoy playing outside in the garden. They like to ride around on different wheeled vehicles, such as bicycles and scooters. They also move in different ways, negotiating obstacle courses and low-level climbing and balancing objects.

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